Ostschweizer Ski-Marathon

no data found, please fill the form manually:

Kosten: 100.- /nur Mitfahrt mit Car (ohne Teilnahme am Lauf) 60.-

familyname*: familynameonly caract
firstname*: firstnameonly caract
sex*: choose..choose..
year of birth*: choose YOBchoose YOB
class*: please select the classplease select the class.
town* (without zip): enter townno numbers
timing :
e-mail adress*: e-mail adresse-mail adress
mobile number(emergency)*: (format +41796666666) +41793453434
mobile number is requested for security reasons only
password* (ex birthday ddmmyy): ddmmyy6-digit
back to the empty form

in case of problems: picoevents@gmx.ch